RAI has a long and storied history as the center of excellence in the fields of high performance, high engagement, new work systems design and implementation, collaborative labor relations, and interest based processes in industrial relations
The Cutting Edge: A History of Firsts
1. Thomas J. Schneider, President, CEO, and Founder of Restructuring Associates Inc., was the design and implementation consultant for the creation of the first unionized new work system/high performance organization in the United States. Kellogg Company and the American Federation of Grainmillers, AFL-CIO, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1974-76.
2. Schneider was the design architect for the first goal-sharing performance-based pay system in a unionized setting in the U.S.A. LS-Electrogalvanizing Steel, Cleveland, Ohio, 1984.
3. Schneider and RAI served as consultant to, designed, and led the first joint union-management corporate long-term strategic visioning process. General Mills and the American Federation of Grainmillers, AFL-CIO, 1985.
4. RAI was the consultant to design, facilitate and implement the largest labor-management partnership in U.S. history. Kaiser Permanente and many of its unions. 1996-2021.
5. RAI was the architect and lead consultant to organize, facilitate and lead the largest, most complex interest-based process in U.S. industrial relations history. Kaiser Permanente and Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, AFL-CIO, National Bargaining, 2000-2015.